So It Begins. (redux)

Hey there.

The thought of having a blog has been playing on my mind since the summer, when I participated in a national contest for journalism.

Since then, a habit of formulating random feature articles in my mind suddenly developed. It follows me every single day, like when I accidentally put Rebecca Black’s “Friday” on loop one unfortunate day . Knowing that it won’t probably stop sooner or later, I decided to put those thoughts on paper. e-Paper. (I mean online, since that sounds like a toilet paper’s name)

My first attempt at blogging turned out to be a failure.

And now I’m starting all over again. 

There are multiple questions running in my mind.

Will I be updating this blog everyday? What will be its contents?


Quite frankly, I don’t know either. All I know is that this will be the outlet of the said feature articles randomly popping in my mind. This will be my training ground in writing. I’m predicting that this will be the haven for all my complicated, teenage, hipster-esque thoughts. 

In a few years time, I want to look back and read my fifteen year old, gawky self’s perspective. I would probably have a good laugh, yet be proud how I expressed myself spontaneously. I will realize my metamorphosis. How I grew into the man will I be in ten years or so. I desperately want to do that.

I’m ready to take this leap, with or without readers.